GAMARAI 2025 Hotels
The schedule is now complete and these are the suggested hotels:

Sunday September 14, Fairfield Inn and Suites, Altoona. Phone number is 515-446-9888. Quoted rate is $139.00. Truck and trailer parking is available for the week. Breakfast is included.
Monday through Wednesday September 15, 16 & 17 will be in Decorah Iowa. There are two possibilities, the Hotel Winneshiek and the Fairfield Inn & Suites.
The main hotel is the Hotel Winneshiek. It is a restored early 20th century grand hotel. The rate is $135 per night. The phone number is 563-382-4164. Reservation prices are good until August 4th. Breakfast is included. There is ample parking behind the hotel but there is no trailer parking at this hotel. There are 29 rooms available at the Winneshiek.
If you will be trailering to Decorah rather than Model A’ing from Altoona, the Fairfield has a gravel parking lot adjacent to their parking lot where you can park your truck and trailer for the week.
Fairfield Inn & Suites Decorah - Phone 563-382-8800. The Fairfield’s Senior/AARP and AAA rates are better than their group rate, so be sure to ask. Breakfast is included.
Please let us know if you plan on meeting us there, so we don’t end up waiting for you in Altoona. I will also need to give you driving instructions to Charles City, our lunch stop.
The rate at the Winneshiek is set. The Fairfield manager said that rates appear to be going up and if you register early, that rate will be honored for September. Make sure you have cancellation rights if you register early.
Thursday the 18th we move to Independence, IA at the Comfort Inn & Suites. Their phone number is 319-334-6400. The rate is $119 for individual rooms and $129 for suites. Breakfast is included. They have us registered under GAMARAI. Pricing is good until August 17.